What Resources Are Available for Post-Abortion Care?

Abortion is a highly personal decision that can impact women and men emotionally. If you are experiencing physical or mental side effects or complications after an abortion, know that you are not alone. Your feelings and story are valid, and we are here to help. Keep reading to learn more about the resources available or

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What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

If you’ve discovered you are unexpectedly pregnant while in college, you more than likely feel isolated. Plus, fatigue and nausea make studying more difficult. Where do you turn? Who can you talk to? The caring advocates at The Open Door want you to know you are not alone. We’re here to help. You have federally

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8 Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Waiting to see if you missed your period can make time feel like it’s slowed down. Rest assured, even though you want to know now, you will find out very soon. During pregnancy, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to build up in your blood and urine. However, it can take time to reach

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Abortion is a serious medical decision that can impact you in a number of ways. However, every woman’s abortion experience can differ based on the side effects she has and if any complications happen. While it’s impossible to say exactly how abortion will affect you specifically, there are side effects and risks to know about

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Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

Are you considering the abortion pill? While any woman can consider this option, it may not be a safe choice for some women due to current health or situational factors. At The Open Door, we offer free and confidential pregnancy services, including pregnancy testing and ultrasounds if you qualify. Schedule an appointment today to verify

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What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Finding out you’re pregnant in high school may not have been what you imagined for these years. You may have pictured prom, football games, and graduation, but not pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant or just found out you are, The Open Door can help you and provide support and resources. Schedule a

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What Is a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion is the intentional ending of an early pregnancy using drugs. Most commonly, this procedure uses two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Sometimes, in rare cases, another drug called methotrexate might be used, or vaginal misoprostol might be taken alone. How Does a Medical Abortion Work? A medical abortion procedure begins when a woman

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Abortion is a serious decision that comes with both physical and mental risks. An abortion procedure will change the course of your future in a significant way by closing the door to parenting or adoption. Depending on how you feel about this decision or abortion procedures, it could impact your mental health. Keep reading to

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I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

An unplanned pregnancy can trigger a variety of emotions, from fear to excitement, nervousness, and uncertainty. What will your future look like now? You may have feelings of not wanting to be pregnant because it wasn’t in your plans, or you’re starting to experience pregnancy symptoms like nausea. Keep reading to learn more about your

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