Pregnancy Testing

Don't waste your money or time with over-the-counter pregnancy tests. At The Open Door, we offer free and confidential pregnancy testing. Schedule your appointment today!

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STD/STI Testing

Your sexual health is as important as your physical and emotional health. Over the last several years, there have been as many as 26 million new STI cases in one year alone. If you're sexually active, you're at risk.

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Post-Abortion Care

Women experience their abortion decision differently. Sometimes their true feelings don't surface for months or even years later. If you're struggling with an abortion decision you made, we're here to provide acceptance, healing, and hope. Contact us today.

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Pregnancy & Parenting Classes

Both pregnancy and parenting can be challenging. Your body is rapidly changing while you're pregnant, and parenting offers new questions daily. Let us help you with free classes for both. Sign up today!

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Free Car Seat / Baby Bed Program

Two of the biggest items you need for baby are a car seat and baby bed. Since you can't buy either of these used, we have a program to provide them for free. Check it out!

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GED / Life Skills / Job Training

In order to have a successful future, you need certain skills. Job training, a G.E.D., and basic life skills are essential. Let us help you move forward to a brighter, better future. Contact us about enrolling in our classes.

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Limited Prenatal Care Services

The Open Door believes every woman should receive excellent care during her pregnancy.  We currently offer the following limited prenatal care services: Level 3 Community Partner Insurance coverage is critical during pregnancy to reduce your potential healthcare expenses and cover many costs. Are you in need of health insurance? Our community partner will assist you

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