During your partner’s unplanned pregnancy, it’s natural to want to help in any way possible. Maybe using your health insurance to cover costs was the first thing to come to your mind.

However, a Texas insurance company covering a girlfriend’s abortion pill is unlikely for the following reasons.

1. The Legal Landscape in Texas

In Texas, abortion is currently illegal, except if the woman’s life is in danger. The woman on whom the abortion is performed cannot be held criminally or civilly liable.

While the laws continue to change, the state government restricted insurance companies from covering abortion in comprehensive health plans in December 2017. Since then,the 2022 Human Life Protection Act, which prohibits most abortions has gone into effect, making it even less likely for an insurance company to offer abortion coverage.

2. Your Relationship Status

Usually, health insurance only covers partners when there is a legal relationship, such as marriage or domestic partnership. If you’re dating right now and haven’t made a legal commitment, it’s unlikely your insurance company will cover your girlfriend for any type of health services.

Every insurance plan differs, though, so when in doubt, contact your insurance company for specific information about your coverage.

How Can You Support Your Partner?

Regardless of which option your girlfriend is considering—abortion, parenting, or adoption—pregnancy is a serious health condition. Ensuring she’s covered with the services she needs to stay healthy is critical.

At The Open Door, located in Breckenridge and Cisco, we offer free pregnancy testing, STD/STI testing, ultrasounds, and referrals for other services. Scheduling an appointment with us is a great place to start, and we can also provide information and resources.

Additionally, you will want to help her find health coverage. Insurance coverage could be available through her employment or Medicaid if she meets specific income requirements. We can talk more about this during an appointment.

Contact us today to find a time that works for both of you. We’re here to help!