Finding out you’re pregnant in high school may not have been what you imagined for these years. You may have pictured prom, football games, and graduation, but not pregnancy.

If you think you might be pregnant or just found out you are, The Open Door can help you and provide support and resources. Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options with a team member.

Keep reading to find out what you need to know if you are pregnant in high school.

#1. You Have Rights as a Student.

If you attend a public or private high school that accepts federal funds, your school must comply with Title IX, which protects your rights and prohibits discrimination.

Under Title IX, your school must:

  • Allow you to continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities
  • Provide reasonable adjustments such as a larger desk, elevator access, or more bathroom breaks
  • Excuse medically necessary absences for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Allow you to return to the same academic and extracurricular status before leave
  • Give you an opportunity to make up any missed work
  • Protect you from discrimination

Ask your guidance counselor to share how your school can help support you during your pregnancy. If you feel your school is discriminating against you, you can file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights within 180 days of the discrimination.

#2. Time Is on Your Side.

High school can seem like the most important time of your life so far. However, it only lasts four years. You have a future ahead of you, and your decisions about your pregnancy will last a lifetime.

While you may care about your classmates’ opinions right now, you may lose touch after graduation and only stay in contact with your closest friends.

Keep this perspective as you consider your three options: parenting, adoption, and abortion. Make an informed, confident choice you can feel good about for years to come.

#3. You’re Not Alone.

An unplanned pregnancy can feel isolating, especially when you may feel like you’re the only one. Rest assured, you are not alone. Many women have faced the same situation and have found support at The Open Door.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today for compassionate care and early pregnancy services. We’re here to help you through this time.


U.S. Department of Education

OCR Complaint Forms: